Contact us and access

If you want to book a trailer, please contact us by email

Please specify your contact and the dates you want to book.

We will send you a registration/booking file.

Then you will have to send us this file back with a check of 250€ for deposit (by mail).

  • order: Centre équestre de Chalain / Logis des 3 Lacs
  • address: Logis des 3 Lacs   375 rue des 3 Lacs   39130 DOUCIER


If you prefer, you can book by email in the condition that we receive the deposit check with four days (business days). If we do not receive the check, the trailers location will be available again.


You can also contact us by telephone

Office phone number: +33 (0)3 84 25 76 52

Hours: from 9h to 12h and from 14h to 20h


We will give you all the details and information needed, and we will send you the registration/booking file. Same conditions as email.


Rental general conditions

Click here to see the rental general conditions.



Le Logis des 3 Lacs

Mme Anne-Marie DOLE

375, rue des 3 Lacs


Tél. / Fax : +33 (0)3 84 25 76 52

Email :



Le Logis des 3 Lacs se situe tout à côté du Centre Equestre, dans le village de Doucier, à 1 km du Lac de Chalain, au cœur de la Région des Lacs Jurassiens. Cliquer sur la carte pour nous situer.


Par la route

Accès rapide et facile grâce à l'autoroute A39 (sortie Poligny) puis N5 direction Champagnole ou Lons le Saunier, puis D471 et D39 pour atteindre Doucier.


Par le train

Accès par TGV en gare de Mouchard ou DOLE avec correspondances pour Lons le Saunier.


You also can contact us with the following set form:

Please click on brown
That step helps us block spam bots.

Fields marked with a star (*) are required
In accordance with the Data Protection Regulation (RGPD), the information collected in that form are intended for the company Le Logis des 3 Lacs, responsible for the data processing, and are collected in order to reply to your message. The data are stored for 13 months. In accordance with the French law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on Information Technology, Files and Individual Freedom, you have the right to access, modify, object and remove your personal data. To exercise this right, please contact us at the address


© 2010-2025 Le Logis des 3 Lacs